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There, while the customer waits on the phone, one of a roomful of headphone-wearing "intent analysts"transcribe everything from misheard numbers to profanities and quickly directs the computer how to respond.His group alone spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year paying people to annotate images."We’ve transformed those jobs," Whigham says."It’s a good platform to increase your skills and support your family," she says.From makeup artists in Venezuela to women in conservative parts of India, people around the world are doing the digital equivalent of needlework — drawing boxes around cars in street photos, tagging images, and transcribing snatches of speech that computers can’t quite make out."We want to be the ones that can label any image without any human involvement," says Ian Parnes, CloudSight’s head of business development."Aria Khrisna, a 36-year-old father of three in Tegal, Indonesia, says doing things like adding word tags to clothing pictures on websites such as eBay and Amazon pays him about $100 a month, roughly half his income.For the most part, even companies trying to push humans out of the loop still rely on them.When a computer can’t make out a customer call to the Hyatt Hotels chain, an audio snippet is sent to AI-powered call centre Interactions in an old brick building in Franklin, Massachusetts.But it’s not just a fancy computer program spitting back responses.Researchers have tried to find workarounds to human-labelled data, but the results are often inadequate. In the end, she says, she spent $35,000 to hire auto dealer experts to label her data.She earns about 50 cents an hour, but in a crisis-wracked country with runaway inflation, just a few hours’ work can pay a month’s rent in bolivars.Major automakers like Toyota, Nissan and Ford, ride-hailing companies like Uber and other tech giants like Alphabet Inc.This human input industry has long been nurtured by search engines Google and Bing, who for more than a decade have used people to rate the accuracy of their results.

You can’t trust the algorithm 100 per cent. This burgeoning but largely unseen cottage industry represents the foundation of a technology that could change humanity forever: AI that will drive us around, execute verbal commands without flaw, and, possibly, one day think on its own.The need for human labellers is "enormous" and "dynamic," says Robin Bordoli, CEO of labelling technology company CrowdFlower. If the algorithm doesn’t have a good answer, one of its 800 employees in places like India, Southeast Asia or Africa type in the answer in real time.These repetitive tasks pay pennies apiece.But the product shots didn’t look anything like the car images in Street View, and the program couldn’t recognise them.When Amelia fails, the program listens while a call is rerouted to one of about 60 service desk workers. Humans will be in the loop "for a long, long, long time to come," he says.Several companies like Alphabet’s Waymo and game-maker Unity Technologies are developing simulated worlds to train their algorithms in controlled scenarios where every object comes pre-defined.".There’s a dirty little secret about artificial intelligence: It’s powered by hundreds of thousands of real people.


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SwiftUI apps run natively and are lightning fast.Xcode 11 Brings SwiftUI to Life A new graphical UI design tool built into Xcode 11 makes it easy for UI designers to quickly assemble a user interface with SwiftUI — without having to write any code.. A new streaming audio API means users can stream from their favourite third-party media apps with just their Apple Watch. A new privacy-focused email relay service eliminates the need for users to disclose their personal email address but still allows them to receive important messages from the app developer.Easier to Bring iPad Apps to Mac New tools and APIs make it easier than ever to bring iPad apps to Mac. With Motion Capture, developers can integrate people’s movement into their app, and with People Occlusion, AR China Semi automatic blow machine Manufacturers content will show up naturally in front of or behind people to enable more immersive AR experiences and fun green screen-like applications.Fast, Easy and Private Sign In Using Apple ID Sign In with Apple makes it easy for users to sign in to apps and websites using their existing Apple ID.

Core ML and Create ML Core ML 3 supports the acceleration of more types of advanced, real-time machine learning models. And since Apple does not track users’ app activity or create a profile of app usage, information about the developer’s business and their users remains with the developer.Developers can also take advantage of the Apple Neural Engine on Apple Watch Series 4 using Core ML. SwiftUI is a revolutionary development framework that makes building powerful user interfaces easier than ever before.Augmented Reality ARKit 3 puts people at the centre of AR.SiriKit adds support for third-party audio apps, including music, podcasts and audiobooks, so developers can now integrate Siri directly into their iOS, iPadOS and watchOS apps, giving users the ability to control their audio with a simple voice command. It features a photorealistic rendering, as well as incredible environment mapping and support for camera effects like noise and motion blur, making virtual content nearly indistinguishable from reality. ARKit 3, RealityKit and Reality Composer are advanced tools designed to make it even easier for developers to create compelling AR experiences for consumer and business apps. Swift code is automatically generated and when this code is modified, the changes to the UI instantly appear in the visual design tool.In addition to language enhancements targeted at SwiftUI, Swift 5.MapKit now provides developers with a number of new features such as vector overlays, point-of-interest filtering, camera zoom and pan limits, and support for Dark Mode. This cutting-edge technique gives developers the opportunity to provide personalized features without compromising user privacy. All accounts are protected with two-factor authentication, making Sign In with Apple a great way for developers to improve the security of their app. 


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One of the installations, titled ‘The Yarn Wheel’, has been made up of 1,000 hand-spun cotton yarns to capture the meditative process of spinning the wheel in stark contrast to machine-made thread.""I am trying to explore the role of clothing in a movement of social change, while exploring khadi as a commodity in 21st century to give spinners and weavers a more organised source of livelihood," she says.Utilising printing blocks that are 200 to 300 years old, Jyoti says her individual pieces draw attention to a shared history whose preservation is currently threatened by the forces of globalisation. So, I wanted to explore the 300 million urban population for whom buying just 5 meters of khadi is not a big thing but their efforts can change the life of millions in the rural areas," she says."Five meters of cloth is an individual’s necessity to cover themselves. She explores the creative space of women in Bengal who have migrated to northern India in the past decade."Khadi is such an eco-friendly, comfortable and vibrant fabric.

The traditional Bengali art form of Kantha Stitch also finds place in some of her creations."The show is a call to action that challenges people who live in urban cities to grant dignity to the rural brethren and to rethink our engagement with the spinners, weavers and people who work with handicrafts in the villages. "It is designed to be a study for those who want to understand what the khadi movement stands for, and what it has been able to do," says Jyoti.Jyoti has worked extensively with Ajrakh artisans from Kutch and with kantha embroiderers from West Bengal for the show that features several khadi installations, 20 Ajrakh textile artworks, a multi-media spoken poetry art and a documentary on Ajrakh textile process. It can become a fabric from our freedom struggle to a fashion statement in the present world," she says.According to the artist, following Mahatma Gandhi’s proposition of buying ‘five yards of khadi’ each, India’s urban population China 72 cavity-Preform Mould can transform the lives of rural artisans and enrich their livelihoods."I engage these women to give them small jobs and explore their inherent talent.Using khadi as the ground for processes of traditional dyeing and embroidery, Jyoti’s images employ symbolic forms with decorated surfaces to highlight aspects of India’s long and complex history."While working with those who have inherited these textile traditions and are passing them on to the next generations, I have been able to see through the critical relationship between an artisan as a creator and an artist as a visualiser," she says.Titled ‘Poetics of Khadi: Cutting across Time and space’, the discussion focused on the "idea of khadi as a visual expression of national identity..Titled ‘The Khadi March: Just Five Meters’, the solo show by Shelly Jyoti at India Habitat Centre here underlines the importance of ‘khadi’ portraying the fabric as a mark of self-purification, self-reliance and independence.To help promote local artisans and weavers across the country, an exhibition here seeks to encourage larger use of khadi — a fabric that has transformed from being a symbol of India’s freedom struggle to become a style statement. Running stitches also have a decorative and aesthetic appeal," she says.The artist was also part of a recent event organised by Yes Institute at Bikaner House in New Delhi


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